Happy Friday the 13th! For all you triskaidekaphobics out there, put your worries about the 13th away and try this happy hour delight. Hot on the tail of the last week’s Old Fashioned cocktail post comes this variant. Do I sense a new theme here? Well, this variant will tickle your taste buds as I am substituting the sugar with St. Germain – that lovely elderflower liqueur that powered such favorites as St. Germain Spritz, Agave Bloom, Elderflower Thistle, Citadelle Germain, Next to the Last Word, and Holiday Spritz. And this cocktail really delivers. Part Old Fashioned, part Negroni in flavor, I like it. It is different, yet simple… and who doesn’t like that! Give it a try yourself and let me know if you agree! Save…
During a recent conversation with friends about cocktails, specifically the old fashioned, a quick search of the blog from my phone left me quite embarrassed. I could not believe I have posted several variations of this classic, but never celebrated the original. Well, it is time to rectify that oversight tonight! This cocktail is considered one of the six basic drinks documented in David A. Embury’s The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. It’s earliest reference is in an 1806 response to a letter as the definition of a ‘cocktail’ – to wit – a potent concoction of spirits, bitters, water, and sugar. That is the very definition of the classic Old Fashioned, which really explains how this tipple received its name. I can see some old timer asking…
Tonight’s cocktail is a notoriously sweet concoction when typically made. But I found Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s acclaimed recipe and his tweak makes sense – and creates a more balanced amaretto sour. The addition of higher proof bourbon whiskey cuts the sweetness of the amaretto while fresh lemon and lime juice with simple syrup build the sour in this cocktail. I tweaked Jeffrey’s recipe a bit – dropping the egg white, adding lime juice and increasing the bourbon slightly. The results are sweet, sour, and flavorful – not the typical cloyingly sweet, but balanced and nuanced. Give it a try, it is a twisted whiskey sour you’ll enjoy. Save Print Amaretto Sour Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 1½ oz…
Hey… it is Friday night and time for a cocktail. Now don’t get bummed that I chose a simple and somewhat ‘standard’ cocktail like the Manhattan for this week’s post, this one has a lot going for it. As a matter fact, this cocktail was a favorite of my dad’s and while I am not making it exactly like he did, this recipe is very close. I used Bulleitt Bourbon and Clyde May’s Whiskey to make this drink. I like the interplay with the typical bourbon flavor and the sweeter Alabama based whiskey, much like the combination my dad made. So here’s to you dad… thanks for introducing me to the beauty of this cocktail, the Manhattan. Save Print Manhattan Prep time: …