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Browsing Tag: rye

Vieux Carré

As this year quickly slips into history, I thought it would be appropriate to end the year with another classic cocktail. It is interesting to note that I really enjoy the primary ingredients that compose this cocktail, but have never had this one before. Well, I am going to rectify that tonight. Reportedly created by Walter Bergeron at the Carousel Bar in New Orleans in the 1930’s, this beauty reminds me of the original Sazarec, which is another cocktail I really enjoy. I think this easy sipper may quickly become my new favorite in the new year. Yes, it is that good! Save Print Vieux Carré   Ingredients 1 oz rye whiskey 1 oz cognac 1 oz sweet vermouth ¼ oz benedictine 2 dashes Angostura bitters 2 dashes…

Monte Carlo

Tonight’s cocktail is an Old Fashioned/Manhattan variation I just had to try. This recipe swaps out Benedictine for the simple syrup/sweet vermouth to provide floral and herbal flavors with the spicy sweet rye whiskey. Served simply in a chilled rocks glass, this flavorful concoction is warm and soothing – perfect for a Friday happy hour relaxation. The history of this cocktail is quite brief, the best reference I found was that is was first documented in David Embury’s 1948 tome, The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. I like this cocktail a lot. The Benedictine adds a wonderfully different aspect to the classics it is based on, something that feels special when you sip it. By all means, try this one… it is a great change…

Up to Date

Let’s celebrate tonight’s happy hour with a century old cocktail that seems like a riff on the venerable Manhattan, but truly stands on its own. This combination of rye whiskey and sherry with a splash of orange/cognac liqueur creates a uniquely complex set of flavors. Depending on the type of sherry used, this cocktail could range from a slightly biting dry to a silky smoky sweetness. Unfortunately, all I had on hand was a cream sherry – a notoriously sweet sherry – and the resulting drink was indeed sugar forward but nonetheless enjoyable. Since I like Manhattans, there was more than a strong chance I would like this drink. And I do (even with the cream sherry!)… so now to collect a few different types of sherry…


Wow, this week has been a whirlwind. Between meetings and meet-ups, chores, recipe development and experimentation, and other tasks, I am ready to slow down and catch my breath. What better way to relax than with a new Happy Hour tipple – the Embarcadero. The Embarcadero cocktail is a variant of the Manhattan with amaro replacing the Angostura bitters. I was not able to find much more about this cocktail other than it is based on a recipe on from the renowned mixologist Claire Sprouse (@clairesprouse). I love researching the back story to the cocktail and I figured this one had to have an interesting one. But alas, it appears it does not or if it does, it has not been documented. Well, not having a…


Here we are on the last Friday of September, closing out the third quarter with the Sun, Moon and Earth nearly aligned at perigee and perihelion (producing king tides). What other cocktail embodies all these disparate elements than another of the classic cocktails – the Sazerac. Originally made with cognac but now typically made with rye whiskey, this absinthe laced classic is perfect for either quiet, personal reflection or raucous celebrating with a group or anything in between. In case you are worried about being poisoned by absinthe, allay your fears. Absinthe is no longer outlawed in the United States and is actually a wonderful drink in itself when prepared via la louche. You can bet I will write about drinking absinthe (and dancing with the green fairy!) in…


Tonight’s cocktail comes from a recent article in Men’s Journal; This Summer, Drink More Whiskey: 6 Perfect Cocktails. I found this cocktail intriguing for two reasons. First, I am certain there is a typo in the recipe – it should not take 14 ounces of coffee liqueur –  and second because it sounds like a snazzy and jazzy Manhattan… and I like a good Manhattan. So, I picked up some Carpano Antica Sweet Vermouth to be sure I was using all the correct ingredients and I adjusted the 14 ounces of coffee liqueur to 1/4 ounce and got busy making this cocktail. And…. wow!  This drink is a snazzy and jazzy upgraded Manhattan. I even garnished mine with one of my smoked cherries to add just a…

The Revolver/The Semi-Auto

The Revolver Tonight’s first cocktail, The Revolver, is a treat… bourbon, coffee liqueur, orange bitters and orange twist. Simple yet refined, this cocktail is an impressive twist on the basic Manhattan recipe. It relies on a spicy ‘rye forward’ bourbon to maximize flavor. The coffee liqueur substitutes for the sweet vermouth and can be any variant available to suit your tastes – Kahlua, Tia Maria, Galliano Ristretto, etc. Tonight I chose Galliano Ristretto, but have used Kahlua as well, which will subtly change the end result. I think this cocktail is a great way to reboot your love of Manhattans… try one and let me know if you agree! Save Print The Revolver Author: Jon Santer Prep time:  5 mins Total time:  5 mins Serves…


Wow… it is Friday. It is the last day of March. The sun is shining and we had a beautiful Spring day in the Pacific Northwest. Now it is cocktail time and I am seeking something robust and interesting. I think a Boulevardier will fit the bill nicely. Rye Whiskey paired with sweet vermouth and Campari makes a simple, clean, yet robust and flavorful drink – a little spice from the rye, a little sweet from the vermouth and a little bitter from the Campari.  This cocktail is a cousin to the Negroni (which is made with gin instead of whiskey) and Manhattan (which is whiskey and sweet vermouth). Since I like Manhattans, upgrading to a Boulevardier was an easy jump. Are you ready to jump up to the…

Fateful Twist

Tonight’s cocktail is a variation of Jessica Torres‘ Twist of Fate at the blog OneMartini – a wonderful cocktail pairing blood orange and rye. My tweak was to start with a basic Manhattan (rye and sweet vermouth) and substitute some of the vermouth with Aperol and blood orange juice. The result is a dusky hued drink with spicy, sweet, citrus, and herbal flavors with a most pleasing fragrance. So let’s take advantage of blood orange season and make a cocktail or two with this delicious fruit.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the unique flavor it brings to the party. And thanks for the inspiration Jessica! Save Print Twist of Fate Prep time:  5 mins Total time:  5 mins Serves: 1 &nbsp…