How about another aged rum cocktail? I think last week’s Rum Manhattan was a success so let’s see if I can surpass that beauty with this variation on Shannon Tebay Sidle’s High Horse. This colonial-era inspired tipple pairs aged rum with cherry liquor, kirsh brandy, and sweet vermouth. For my twist, I swapped out the kirsh brandy with Grand Imperial, the orange infused cognac similar to Grand Marnier. The result is delightful – and an easy sipper perfect for these spring evenings. Give this unique rum cocktail a try and I think you will find a new and deeper appreciation for this historic spirit. Save Print Rocking Horse Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 1½…
In reading The Skillet the other day, I came across Claire Lower’s 3 ingredient cocktail feature. In exploring these drinks, the Rum Manhattan popped up. After reading the comments, I decided I had to try it – and share it with all of you. Many commenters mentioned the cocktail would be overly sweet, which is possible, but I think with an aged rum, this tipple would actually be very balanced and quite nice. BTW, I was correct – very balanced and quite enjoyable. So here goes… regardless of where you stand on this cocktail, don’t shoot the messenger. Thanks for another winning cocktail Claire! Save Print Rum Manhattan Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 2 oz aged rum 1…
First, let me apologize for missing last week’s cocktail post. It was a hectic day that stretched into a hectic weekend and no one was probably more disappointed than I. So, in keeping with the theme of being on track (like the recent menu posts), let’s get Friday’s happy hour started… Here is a cocktail that is just a bit different. Many people (including myself until now!) only think of using rum in sweeter cocktails or mixed with tropical ingredients like orange, lime, pineapple, etc. But the closest association with a tropical fruit in tonight’s cocktail is orange bitters and an orange peel twist as the garnish. This drink heavily relies on rum’s sweetness to harmonize with the bitter and herbal notes from…
Happy Friday everyone! Tonight’s cocktail is perfect for this wonderful Summer evening – the Palmetto. Typically this drink is made with white rum and dry vermouth… and from what my research found, the resulting drink is barely drinkable. Well, we can’t have that here on Cooking-4-One, can we? So I opted to follow the research and use an aged rum and sweet vermouth. The resulting rum variation of a Manhattan works nicely and I even give it a nice little tweak. I would have thought adding sweet vermouth to a sweet liquor like rum would end in disaster, but it doesn’t… especially with my special ingredient, Galliano Ristretto. For this cocktail, I would use a rum you enjoy sipping straight like a scotch or…
“If you like piña coladas, this recipe will save you some pain. If you desire something tropical with flavors exciting to your brain.” Ok, that’s enough mocking of the lyrics of the song (or trying to), let’s get down to the business of making a tasty piña colada. This recipe and the process is adapted from Serious Eats that delivers a balanced cocktail without the artificial flavors that pre-mix or other recipes deliver. The keys to this recipe are fresh and natural ingredients pre-frozen to minimize the amount of ice needed to make a slushy drink. This easy drinking cocktail is perfect for relaxing on a warm Summer day (or evening), soothing and melting away your worries and cares. Are you ready…
Tonight’s cocktail is a classic – one of the six basic drinks listed in The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks by David Embury. The daiquiri is simple yet elegant, potent yet enjoyable, and mostly overlooked (at least in my circles). Let’s fix that, shall we? The base daiquiri is just white rum, lime juice, and simple syrup. The International Bartenders Association’s recipe for this drink is 9 parts white rum, 5 parts lime juice, and 3 parts simple syrup. Yes, you read that correctly… 9 parts of white rum. There is your potency right there! Of course, I couldn’t resist tweaking the recipe slightly… again with my adding a slight bit of lemon to temper the lime’s sourness. Of course, additional tweaks are to…
Tonight’s cocktail is a tweak on Greg Mays’ Chata Cafe Cream cocktail of rumchata, rum, Kahlua, and cream. In my tweak, I used Malibu rum and substituted vodka for the cream. This cocktail looks subdued but has a nice little kick – definitely proving the adage don’t judge a book by its cover. The coffee flavors and sweetness from the Kahlua combined with the spicy sweetness from the Caruva Horchata and coconut notes from the Malibu make for a lot going on. The key to managing the sweetness was in the proportions – surprisingly more Kahlua and horchata than Malibu rum – and adding vodka to extend the drink without diluting it. This is a wonderful summer happy hour drink filled with Mexico and the Caribbean in your glass…
It looks like warmer weather has finally arrived here in the Pacific Northwest and with it, I am ready to enjoy one of my favorite warm weather cocktails – the Mojito. Originally from Cuba, this cocktail is popular nearly everywhere now. This drink is easier to make than you may think – the basic recipe is lime, mint, simple syrup, rum and club soda. Naturally, I like to make small adjustments as in adding a little bit of lemon when muddling the mint and lime. Depending on your tastes, this drink can be prepared strained or not. Each variation produces subtle differences and I find it delicious either way. Perfect for a summer afternoon or evening, the Mojito is as refreshing or potent as you desire – just play with the…
Well, I jinxed myself. I was thinking last Sunday that I had gone through this whole winter without having been sick once. No flu. No cold. No sniffles, sneezing, coughing, or runny nose. I was feeling glorious… until Tuesday evening when my throat felt raw, the sneezing began, and that was the beginning of the end. But this unfortunate malady makes this week’s Friday cocktail all the more relevant. One tinted with the fond memories of childhood. Yes, I said it. We were given hot toddies as children when we were sick. So what’s the big deal? It worked to help us feel better and get better. And tonight, this drink is on deck because I need it. It’s a double bonus because I have…
This drink is definitely dessert-like with the flavors of rum, coffee, amaretto, and coconut playing well together… just like the flavors in the candy bar of the same name. I do not suggest too many of these cocktails at one sitting due to the sweetness – I can imagine the major hangover that these would produce. Hahahaha… But they are tasty (in moderation, just like eating the candy bar!) and deserve a place as a nice, after-dinner cocktail. Shall we get shaking? Save Print Almond Joy Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 2 parts Kahlua 2 parts Malibu rum 2 parts vodka 1 part amaretto 1 part cream or half and half freshly ground cinnamon (optional) Instructions In…