Recently, my wife Ana surprised me with a delicious Dominican dish – sancocho. This stew of beef, chicken, sausage, potato, yucca, plantain, squash, corn, and more is a veritable ‘stick to your ribs’ type of meal. Sumptuous and satisfying, this treat is a labor of love and usually served on special occasions simply with white rice. Well, I can say this – it was a special occasion to come and find this dinner waiting for me! Now to work on the recipe… Thank you baby, te amo mas cariño mio! Enjoy…
With beautiful Summer weather in full swing and a plethora of fresh produce available, I figured it was high time I showcased cooking corn on the cob sous vide. I skeptical when a friend first introduced me to sous vide cooking, especially when he stated corn on the cob cooked this way is beyond compare. Well, I have to say he was correct. I have been enjoying sous vide corn on the cob in many variations ever since. The corn cooks in the butter and its own natural juice coming out vibrant, tender crisp (without being waterlogged or soggy), and full of flavor. The beauty of this recipe is in its simplicity – just husk and clean the ear of corn, season with salt and pepper, place in a…
Well, I’ll admit it, this recipe is just too easy. So here goes… Grilled Togarishi Corn on the Cob Ingredients: 1 Corn on the cob, shucked and silk removed 1 tbsp of salted butter 2 tsp togarishi Preparation: Coat the corn with the butter and then sprinkle the togarishi all around the cob. Place on a large foil rectangle and fold the end in. Pinch the remaining foil evenly and roll/fold it down to make a tight package. Place on a medium heat grill and rotate every 5 minutes. Overall cooking time will be about 25 – 30 minutes. For the browned aspect, leave the on each side a few minutes longer (or place in a hotter section of the grill). Unroll and unwrap carefully, the melted…