I really like this dessert and frankly just skip making it at home because of the whole custard in a double boiler aspect. Well, thanks to Gemma Stanford of the blog Gemma’s Bigger, Bolder Baking,this dessert can be made in about 10 minutes. Yep, that’s right… 10 minutes. The key is to skip the custard and whip up a filling that most will never realize does not include eggs. So I used her recipe as a start and cut it down to make a single, very large portion (haha, I know I shouldn’t but I will!) or an easily shareable version that will definitely impress a dinner date. Now you can enjoy tiramisu at home with this simple and delicious recipe. Give it a…
In making the Greek Yogurt Pancakes, I wanted to switch out my usual maple syrup for something a bit different and unique. Seeing that I had fresh cherries, I thought why not make a simple fruit compote. I must admit I think this simple fruit topping is under rated and over looked. So let’s rectify that right now with this versatile recipe – especially with cherries plentiful this time of year. Not only can you drape this tasty sauce over pancakes and waffles, but it makes a beautiful addition to cheesecake, ice cream, and other desserts. Give this compote a try, your taste buds will appreciate it! Save Print Cherry Almond Compote Prep time: 1 min Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 21 mins Serves…
Have you ever had a hankering for some food item and just had to make it? That is what happened to me this weekend. I suddenly had a desire for a fruity coffee cake. So I searched the internet for a recipe that would satisfy my hankering and this recipe is what I found. This delicious coffee cake is based on the Noble Pig’s recipe for Raspberry Almond Coffee Cake. The easy recipe and delectable pictures told me this was the one, so here is my take on it. Of course I tweaked it a little and I liked the results. Naturally, I will leave the final judging to you when you make it! Save Print Blueberry Almond Coffee Cake Prep time: 30 mins Cook time…
Tonight’s cocktail showcases a new ingredient, amaro, and a few old favorites. I found this recipe on the Washington Post courtesy of the now closed Poste Moderne Brasserie and I have to admit I was extremely intrigued by the combination of ingredients. This recipe is my take on the original. The original recipe included brewed coffee that I substituted for Galliano Ristretto while playing with the proportions. I think I have a solid drink here – slightly bitter yet slightly sweet with a wonderful slight syrupy mouth feel. Maybe it should have been named ‘Unrequited Love’ with a description like that! Anyway, here is to your first Friday of October and let’s slide into the beginning of the holiday season with a smooth and interesting tipple. Save…
Tonight’s cocktail is a notoriously sweet concoction when typically made. But I found Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s acclaimed recipe and his tweak makes sense – and creates a more balanced amaretto sour. The addition of higher proof bourbon whiskey cuts the sweetness of the amaretto while fresh lemon and lime juice with simple syrup build the sour in this cocktail. I tweaked Jeffrey’s recipe a bit – dropping the egg white, adding lime juice and increasing the bourbon slightly. The results are sweet, sour, and flavorful – not the typical cloyingly sweet, but balanced and nuanced. Give it a try, it is a twisted whiskey sour you’ll enjoy. Save Print Amaretto Sour Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 1½ oz…
This drink is definitely dessert-like with the flavors of rum, coffee, amaretto, and coconut playing well together… just like the flavors in the candy bar of the same name. I do not suggest too many of these cocktails at one sitting due to the sweetness – I can imagine the major hangover that these would produce. Hahahaha… But they are tasty (in moderation, just like eating the candy bar!) and deserve a place as a nice, after-dinner cocktail. Shall we get shaking? Save Print Almond Joy Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 2 parts Kahlua 2 parts Malibu rum 2 parts vodka 1 part amaretto 1 part cream or half and half freshly ground cinnamon (optional) Instructions In…
It’s Friday and I thought it would be nice to shake things up a little with another cocktail recipe. This time I’m sharing a simple cocktail that is quite flavorful that I think doesn’t get much appreciation. So let’s stir up a little fun and enjoy a Godfather… maybe while watching ‘The Godfather’! Save Print The Godfather, Part 1 Ingredients 2 parts scotch 1 part amaretto Smoked cherry (optional) Instructions Add the scotch and amaretto to a highball glass. Stir to combine. Add ice (and cherry, if desired) and serve. 3.5.3217 I used a blended scotch (Monkey Shoulder to be exact) and have tried the IBA recipe of 1 part a piece for the standard Godfather cocktail. I much prefer the…