I came across this recipe over the summer and found it interesting enough to bookmark it. I knew there was no way I would make this during the summer, but winter is a whole different story. This dish screams cold weather comfort food to me and after our little brush with snow and below freezing temperatures this week, it is high time I made it. The recipe it is based on feeds 12, so paring this bad boy down to a smaller portion is going to be the challenge. But you all know that is what I set my focus on in writing this blog, crafting smaller portion recipes from wonderful recipes that would overwhelm a single diner (or a small family in this case). I will admit…
Here is a delicious side dish from Korea that really shines. I had some baby bok choy available and found this recipe from KimchiChick, which really intrigued me. It seems so simple and it looks incredible. So, I made it and enjoyed it with glass noodles and stir-fried chicken breast. I let this dish be the primary flavor and wow, what flavor! I will definitely make this again… and soon! Save Print Bok Choy Namul Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 5 mins Total time: 15 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 2 – 3 baby bok choy heads 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp gochujang (more or less to suit your tastes) 1 tbsp peanut oil (or other neutral oil) 2 tsp soy sauce…
Based on a friend’s suggestion, I broke down and picked up an Instant Pot. I scored a sweet deal on the Instant Pot Duo Mini, a small, feature-packed cooker perfect for Cooking4OneandaHalf. Of course, I tested it per the instructions, then tested it with white rice, then with small red beans. The results were good, the time to cook was quick, and overall I was satisfied with adding this device to my cooking repertoire. So, I needed to cook something in it to really showcase the quick and tasty results so often touted by others. I decided on Chicken Noodle Soup. I know, you could claim I was working with a dish that probably has hundreds of recipes on the web – and I did read quite…
I received this recipe in the New York Times Cooking email a few weeks ago and thought this may be a treat Ana would enjoy. So last night, I made it. Yep, I made it including the dulce de leche! Of course, I used Serious Eats easy recipe to make the caramel-like brown sauce so enjoyed in Latin cuisine. The cake itself came together quite easily and if there was any hiccup, I would say it was in removing the loaf from the pan. Anywhere the gooey marbling came into contact with the pan, it stuck and stuck tight. So I will add a step to help alleviate that issue for you! Regardless of that minor issue, this cake tastes incredible. I received the smile of approval…
From the Kitchn comes this delicious Stuffed Pepper Soup, based on what else – that ever popular dish the stuffed bell pepper. I like this dish for its robust flavor and even more for the fact that it brings all the flavors of stuffed peppers into a soup so easy to make it should be a crime. This version is stove-top, but I wonder if it could be adapted to an Insta-Pot. I bet it could and then it would be even easier and quicker to prepare. So until I work out the Insta-Pot recipe, enjoy this one. It is perfect for those chilly winter evenings here in the Pacific Northwest – or wherever you may be. Save Print Stuffed Pepper Soup Prep time: 10 mins…