OK, calm down… I haven’t jumped the shark just yet! But I am exploring several vegetarian recipe ideas to support a family and friends that ‘eat clean’ by choice or for medical reasons. The idea for this recipe actually came to me in a dream several weeks ago and sort of stuck in my mind, percolating and brewing into the results below. Yes, I know that sounds weird dreaming about recipes, but it is what it is. I tested this recipe on myself first and was quite impressed with the depth of flavor. If you did not share that it was vegetarian, I bet many people would not realize it lacked meat. And isn’t that the desired result when you try to recreate a classic dish…
Today I want to share with you how I make chicken fried steak. There are many recipes for this delicious breakfast (typically) and I won’t even profess mine is the best – but I will say it is satisfying and has never received a complaint! This dish is easy to prepare – it is very much like a beef version of schnitzel – except this dish has a different breading. This is my go-to breakfast when out and I don’t know why since I am typically disappointed by the results. I think it must be the deep fat frying most restaurants use for this dish. I won’t be deep frying anything, but I will shallow fry it. Are you ready for some crunchy breaded beef goodness smothered…