In a medium stock pot or Dutch oven fry the bacon until halfway done over Medium/Medium-High heat.
Add the onions and cook over Medium-High heat until lightly browned, approximately 3 to 5 minutes.
Add the bell peppers and cook for 2 minutes.
Add the garlic and cook for a minute until fragrant. Add the pork and cook until the pink is nearly gone.
Stir in the paprika and remove from heat. Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, and caraway. Add the water or stock until just covering the pork.
Return to heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Cover, reduce the heat to Medium-Low and simmer for 45 to 50 minutes. Stir in the sauerkraut, cover and simmer another 2 minutes.
Add salt to taste. Serve with sour cream and swirl it in before eating.
This recipe for Austrian Beef Stew comes from Milk Street, Christopher Kimball’s latest venture…
I came across this recipe over the summer and found it interesting enough to bookmark…
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