Today’s recipe is a playful dish made with vibrant red and green vegetables paired with beef in a stir fry. I was checking my vegetable crisper in the refrigerator while making my shopping list and saw I had some asparagus. I knew I had some beef and those two ingredients are tasty together. I had half of a red bell pepper and the rest, as they say, is history. Instead of my usual spicy stir fry, I opted for a deep umami flavor by using shitake mushrooms and mushroom flavored dark soy sauce; the latter used as the predominant part of the sauce. Slivered onions, ginger, garlic, white pepper, and rice cooking wine round out the ingredients. Quick and easy to prepare, intensely flavorful, and quite enjoyable…
Reported to have been created by none other than Ernest Hemingway, this cocktail really can kill you in the afternoon – or make the little green fairies beat you up for drinking so early in the day! I love the idea of pairing absinthe with champagne. The louching of the absinthe with champagne is so decadent an idea I cannot help but like it. This cocktail’s flavor is sublime, but it is extremely sneaky. I only like the descriptive aspect of Hemingway’s own words – “Pour one jigger absinthe into a Champagne glass. Add iced Champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness. Drink three to five of these slowly.”. The thought of three to five of these tasty tipples in one sitting is nearly beyond my comprehension…
I found this dish researching some other recipes I want to make and the simplicity really struck me. A one pot pasta dinner that really works? Well, the gang at Serious Eats seem to think so, so who am I to question it? The truth is, this dish is super simple and really delicious! The sausage creates the base flavor, the spinach adds its supporting flavors, and all of it is bound to the pasta with a little cream and a heap of Romano cheese. While this dish may not make the weight loss cookbooks, it makes mine for being a simple, delicious one pot pasta that satisfies the need for a quick meal. So if you are seeking a way to enjoy spinach and pasta, give this…
While researching last week’s cocktail, Remember the Maine, I came across this one. The golden hue and the combination of ingredients had me immediately intrigued. And wow, what a deliciously complex cocktail! This beauty is over 100 years old, comes in various forms and is actually a tweak of a tweak on the venerable Manhattan. The original tweak is the Red Hook – rye, sweet vermouth and maraschino and this one swaps out the sweet vermouth for dry and amaro for the bitters while retaining the maraschino for sweetness. This cocktail has layers of flavors and I have to admit in many ways it is superior to the Manhattan. Now… don’t go interrupting my Friday night happy hour by giving me a Bronx cheer for that opinion…
One of the first posts I wrote for Cooking-4-One was a recipe for Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage, a delicious side that I enjoy regularly. Given my recent sous vide experiments with vegetables and grains, I searched to see what it would take to make this dish using my immersion circulator. Well, I found the information I desired and the results I saw looked delicious. The one recipe that I based mine on comes from Kate Williams. Of course, I tweaked it slightly for my own tastes tonight. I substituted apple cider vinegar and bacon for the balsamic vinegar and currants. The results were amazing. The cabbage and carrots were bright and tender crisp with a hint of smoky bacon flavor, a subtle sweet and saltiness…
Recently, I received an blog update from The Daring Gourmet where she had a recipe for Valencian Paella that looked absolutely heavenly. I just knew I had to try it and somehow my mind just latched onto some weird ‘Valencia/Valentine’ word association and here we are, me proposing you enjoy this dish with your someone special this Valentine’s Day. You could start your romantic dinner with a sous vide lobster cocktail while sipping champagne, enjoy this flavorful paella with a crisp viognier or a beautiful dry rosé, then finish with dessert… Heck at that point you are on your own, I got you this far! And with that, I bid everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day – whether you are single or committed. Save Print Valencian Paella…
OK, now that I have your attention with that beautiful recipe title, I am sure you want to know what it is. Well, it is meatballs in a roasted red pepper sauce. Doesn’t that sound delicious? I thought so, that’s why I made it. I used mild Italian sausage, whole milk ricotta, and panko crumbs for the meatballs to create a mild flavor that will not compete with the robust sauce. Mentioning the sauce, it is simply flavored so the roasted red peppers shine. It seems that this dish would be one dimensional, but the beauty is in the sum of all the parts. The sausage renders its juices into the sauce, the sauce gains a silky mouth feel with that lovely pork flavor melded with…
In honor and remembrance of the 120th anniversary of the disastrous USS Maine incident on February 15th, 1898, tonight’s cocktail is also reminder that ‘fake news’ is nothing new (regardless of your views and beliefs). In the aftermath of this terrible incident in which 260 men died, two high powered publishers used their influence to inflame the situation and foster an atmosphere that resulted in the Spanish-American War. This cocktail is another variation on the venerable Manhattan. Originally documented in 1939 in Charles H. Baker, Jr’s The Gentlemen’s Companion after a raucous trip to Havana in 1933 during Batista’s coup, it is reported Baker served this cocktail with the advice “Treat this one with the respect it deserves, gentlemen”. I see this cocktail…
How about a comfort food perfect for a dreary February weeknight? This dish is quick to prepare (about an hour unrushed!), yet filled with flavor. Apparently this dish was named after a wealthy Russian diplomat, Pavel Stroganoff, and the first known mention in a cookbook is from 1871. Interestingly, that early version had no onion or mushroom in it – it was simply beef cubes in a mustard and bouillon sauce finished with sour cream. That dish sounds tasty, but I believe the onions and mushrooms enhance the flavors. So, you can see this dish is already morphing into something a bit different from the original dish. But hey, isn’t that what makes cooking so unique and interesting? Now let’s dive into this much maligned and forgotten…
Tonight’s cocktail is another riff on one of my favorite drinks – the Manhattan. This twist on the classic could actually be better as it’s flavors are deep and reflective. Created in San Francisco’s Bourbon & Branch by Todd Smith, this simple substitution of Averno for sweet vermouth really changes this cocktail’s taste profile. This beauty is perfect for a rowdy happy hour or quiet, intimate moments; it can be the life of the party or the epitome of relaxed style. For me, I am choosing the latter – relaxed at home enjoying this wonderful cocktail! Happy Friday everyone! Save Print Black Manhattan Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1 Ingredients 3 oz rye whiskey 1½ oz Averno…