Rabo de Galo

Last Summer, I featured Brazil’s national cocktail – the caipirinha – which is made from cachaça, sugar and lime. I recently encountered this cachaça based drink (which one resource claimed is Brazil’s original cocktail or coquetel in Portuguese) – primarily a smooth blend of cachaça and sweet vermouth. Roughly rabo de galo translates into ‘rooster’s tail’ or ‘cock’s tail’, appropriate for a simple tipple.  After reading the description of the rabo de galo, I just had to try it.  With some additional research, it appears the only thing in consensus about this cocktail is that it has no defined recipe. The most common recipes use 2 parts cachaça to 1 part sweet vermouth (or vermouth/aperitif blend), so I will opt for the most common proportions and ingredients and go from there.  Are you ready for a quick trip to Brazil? I am and I think this cock’s tail will transport us there nicely!
Rabo de Galo
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1
  • 2 oz cachaca
  • 1 oz sweet vermouth
  • lemon peel for garnish
  1. Chill a cocktail glass with ice.
  2. Add all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice.
  3. Stir to chill and combine.
  4. Empty chilled cocktail glass and strain cocktail into glass.
  5. Garnish with a twisted lemon peel.

Chill a cocktail glass with ice. Add all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice. Stir to chill and combine. Empty chilled cocktail glass and strain cocktail into glass. Garnish with a twisted lemon peel.






  1. Jola | 10th Nov 17

    Very nice drink. Would love to try it but getting the ingredients in Nigeria is my challenge.

    • Kent | 10th Nov 17

      Yes Jola, I bet sourcing ingredients can be challenge across the globe. If accessible, the item may be prohibitively expensive, if not banned or outlawed. I will say that this is a simple and tasty cocktail though.

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