Here it is!
What’s in the box?
Here is what you get…
Unpacked and ready to connect!
Check out how simple the instructions are!
Did you know this thermometer can monitor four different temperatures (with additional temperature probes, of course)? It also monitors the internal as well as ambient temperatures, providing this data to your phone! All this and more…
The ‘ball’ has a magnetic base to keep it connected to your oven, barbecue, smoker, or etc.
The Loki app not only monitors your cooking effort; it also has recipes and suggestions, remembers previous cooking for quick re-use and more. Pretty handy…
So now that I have introduced you to Loki, I am going to make something where I can see some or all of these cool features at work…
(Disclaimer: I purchased the Loki Smart WiFi Meat Thermometer through their Kickstarter and while I know principals at Loki Products, I was not compensated in any manner for this review.)
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Phillip | 14th Jan 18
There probes are junk. Customer service is bad and tech support is well let’s just say your wasting you money. If you want a good product go with fireboard I own both and after my coating came off the the probes and was told this has no affect and refused on the product and refused to replace it I stoped using the loki at that point and bought the fireboard and have not looked back I pictures to prove junk probes also no phone number to company so you have to email back and forth which could take up to 48hours to get a response back taking over a week to resolve issues
Kent | 16th Jan 18
Hi Phillip!
I am sorry for taking so long to reply and to hear of your experience with the Loki thermometer. I have had no issues with mine except for when I forgot to plug in the probe to get the initial wireless connection. I call that ‘operator headspace’!
From what I have read of the Fireboard, it seems like a nice unit and I am glad you are having success with it.
Keep cooking!
Jeanne | 11th Feb 18
Don’t waste your time or your money…
Kent | 11th Feb 18
What issues did you encounter Jeanne?
Jeanne | 4th Mar 18
This device has bad firmware and will not see network even when placed next to the router.
Kent | 4th Mar 18
Hmmm… I have heard of that issue and I do believe it is possible to update the firmware, but of course it requires the wireless connectivity. Also, if I remember correctly the device requires the probe to be connected and can only connect to a 2.4gHz network, so be sure that you have that enabled.
Rob | 9th Mar 18
I’m a network engineer, and it’s clear from auditing the router logs that it is failing the 2.4ghz handshake. Will not find and hold connection. A firmware update would fix this…………… but………… then it would have to handshake in order to download the update. FAIL.
Not bad people. Not a bad concept. Just not ready for Prime Time yet
Kent | 15th Mar 18
Hi Rob,
As you are probably well aware, there are numerous factors involved when dealing with network connectivity that might impact success. As a software developer, you try to build a product robust enough to handle most of them, but it would be foolish to try and handle all of them (since it is a ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ type of scenario). This is why apps are updated based on support troubleshooting and clear feedback. I recently demonstrated the Loki at the International Home and Housewares Show in Chicago and had no issues pairing it with my demo Android phone. That means some 2.4gHz handshakes fail, but not all. Have you contacted Loki with your findings to assist them in resolving the issue with your specific network environment?
Alexi | 6th Sep 18
My Loki has worked great. The only issue I had was when I first received it I could not connect it to my network. I contacted Loki support and they responded in a timely manner. I was told to simply reset the router and it worked! No problems since then…time will tell if it holds up but so far I’m at 75+ cooks and it’s working well.
Kent | 8th Sep 18
Thanks for the information on the Loki wireless thermometer, Alexi. I have had a similar experience with not quite as many cooks.