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Daily Archives: December 21, 2016

Recent Dinner Variations

Today I am posting pictures only to show you some of the meals I make that do not become posts. Most of these meals are variants of recipes I have already posted. Like this Sweet and Sour Pork based on the Sweet and Sour Chicken recipe… or 2 styles of knackwurst with caraway sauerkraut and roasted red potatoes similar to Knackwurst, rosemary garlic potato slices, and braised bacon caraway cabbage… or a simple chili recipe that is not like the Chuckwagon Chili at all!  This is a recipe I have planned for a future post – maybe before the year ends. And here are two bonus pictures of tonight’s dinner experiment – sous vide carne asada using flank steak!   Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save…